
Hanli Smit, an accomplished fine art photographer, has carved a professional niche for herself in the field of Jewellery Photography.
With her Graphic and Fashion Design background, and her love of painting and drawing, Hanli has always interwoven creativity in all that she does. Thus, Hanli is often found not just behind the camera, but actively involved in the actual design of the entire costume, make-up, props, accessories, etc. that goes into one of her photographic portraits or creations.
2020 was a good year for Hanli Smit, she won the Portrait Category in the Africa Photo Awards
as well as the Fashion category which then earned her the
Title of Photo Africa Awards
However, the most prestigious
accolade for her is the inclusion of many of her excellent photos in the
VSS Top 10 Photographer book curated by Hein Washerfort.
This year Hanli is launching a range of garments under the label EUGOV
it will soon be available from an online store